Senior Comprehensives - change to

1. A. E. Housman - Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries 0
2. A. E. Housman - Loveliest of Trees 0
3. A. E. Housman - To an Athlete Dying Young 0
4. Alfred Lord Tennyson - In Memoriam, 01 0
5. Alfred Lord Tennyson - In Memoriam, 02 0
6. Alfred Lord Tennyson - In Memoriam, 07 0
7. Alfred Lord Tennyson - In Memoriam, 48 0
8. Alfred Lord Tennyson - In Memoriam, 55 0
9. Alfred Lord Tennyson - In Memoriam, 56 0
10. Alfred Lord Tennyson - The Lady of Shalott 0
11. Alfred Lord Tennyson - Ulysses 0
12. Andrew Marvell - The Garden 0
13. Andrew Marvell - To His Coy Mistress 0
14. Anglo-Saxon - Caedmon's Hymn 0
15. Anglo-Saxon - The Seafarer 0
16. Anglo-Saxon - The Wanderer 0
17. Ben Jonson - On My First Son 0
18. Ben Jonson - Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount 0
19. Ben Jonson - Song To Celia 0
20. Ben Jonson - To Penhurst 0
21. Bible - Psalm 022 0
22. Bible - Psalm 023 0
23. Bible - Psalm 042 0
24. Bible - Psalm 130 0
25. Bible - Song of Songs 2 0
26. Bible - Song of Songs 5 0
27. Bible - Song of Songs 6 0
28. Bible - Song of Songs 8 0
29. Dylan Thomas - Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 0
30. Elizabeth Bishop - One Art 0
31. Emily Dickinson - After a Great Pain a Formal Feeling Comes 0
32. Emily Dickinson - Because I Could not Stop for Death 0
33. Emily Dickinson - Further in Summer than the Birds 0
34. Emily Dickinson - I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died 0
35. Emily Dickinson - Success is Counted Sweetest 0
36. Emily Dickinson - Tell all the Truth but Tell is Slant 0
37. Emily Dickinson - There's a Certain Slant of Light 0
38. George Herbert - Easter Wings 0
39. George Herbert - Love III 0
40. George Herbert - The Altar 0
41. George Herbert - The Collar 0
42. George Herbert - The Pulley 0
43. George Herbert - Virtue 0
44. Gerard Manley Hopkins - God's Grandeur 0
45. Gerard Manley Hopkins - Pied Beauty 0
46. Gerard Manley Hopkins - Spring and Fall 0
47. Gerard Manley Hopkins - The Windhover 0
48. Henry Vaughn - The Retreat 0
49. Henry Vaughn - The World 0
50. John Donne - Air & Angels 0
51. John Donne - A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy's Day 0
52. John Donne - A Valediction Forbidding Mourning 0
53. John Donne - Holy Sonnet 10 0
54. John Donne - Holy Sonnet 14 0
55. John Donne - The Canonization 0
56. John Donne - The Ecstasy 0
57. John Donne - The Good-Morrow 0
58. John Keats - Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art 0
59. John Keats - Ode on a Grecian Urn 0
60. John Keats - Ode to a Nightingale 0
61. John Keats - On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 0
62. John Keats - To Autumn 0
63. John Milton - How Soon Hath Time 0
64. John Milton - Lycidas 0
65. John Milton - On The Morning of Christ's Nativity 0
66. John Milton - When I Consider How My Light is Spent 0
67. Matthew Arnold - Dover Beach 0
68. Matthew Arnold - The Buried Life 0
69. Middle-English - I Sing of a Maiden 0
70. Middle-English - Sir Patrick Spens 0
71. Middle-English - The Corpus Christi Carol 0
72. Middle-English - Western Wind 0
73. Percy Bysshe Shelley - Mont Blanc 0
74. Percy Bysshe Shelley - Ode to the West Wind 0
75. Percy Bysshe Shelley - Ozymandias 0
76. Philip Sidney - Astrophel and Stella, I 0
77. Richard Wilbur - Love Calls Us to the Things of This World 0
78. Robert Browning - Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came 0
79. Robert Browning - Fra Lippo Lippi 0
80. Robert Browning - My Last Duchess 0
81. Robert Browning - Two in the Campagna 0
82. Robert Frost - After Apple-Picking 0
83. Robert Frost - Birches 0
84. Robert Frost - Desert Places 0
85. Robert Frost - Design 0
86. Robert Frost - For Once, Then Something 0
87. Robert Frost - Nothing Gold Can Stay 0
88. Robert Frost - Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 0
89. Robert Herrick - Corinna's Going A-Maying 0
90. Robert Herrick - To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time 0
91. Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Dejection, an Ode 0
92. Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Kublai Khan 0
93. Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Rime of the Ancient Mariner 0
94. Seamus Heaney - Digging 0
95. Sir Walter Raleigh - The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd 0
96. Thomas Gray - Elegy Written in a Country Courtyard 0
97. Thomas Hardy - Convergence of the Twain 0
98. Thomas Hardy - Hap 0
99. Thomas Hardy - The Darkling Thrush 0
100. Thomas Wyatt - They Flee from Me 0
101. Thomas Wyatt - Whoso List to Hunt 0
102. T. S. Eliot - Ash Wednesday 0
103. T. S. Eliot - Preludes 0
104. T. S. Eliot - The Journey of the Magi 0
105. T. S. Eliot - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 0
106. T. S. Eliot - The Waste Land 0
107. Wallace Stevens - Anecdote of a Jar 0
108. Wallace Stevens - Sunday Morning 0
109. Wallace Stevens - The Idea of Order at Key West 0
110. Wallace Stevens - The Snow Man 0
111. Wallace Stevens - Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird 0
112. Walt Whitman - Crossing Brooklyn Ferry 0
113. Walt Whitman - Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking 0
114. Walt Whitman - Song of Myself, 01 0
115. Walt Whitman - Song of Myself, 24 0
116. Walt Whitman - Vigil Strange Kept I on the Field One Night 0
117. W. B. Yeats - Adam's Curse 0
118. W. B. Yeats - Among School Children 0
119. W. B. Yeats - Easter 1916 0
120. W. B. Yeats - Leda and the Swan 0
121. W. B. Yeats - Sailing to Byzantium 0
122. W. B. Yeats - The Second Coming 0
123. W. H. Auden - Musee des Beaux Arts 0
124. W. H. Auden - Shield of Achilles 0
125. William Blake - London 0
126. William Blake - Mock on, Mock on, Voltaire, Rousseau 0
127. William Blake - The Lamb 0
128. William Blake - The Sick Rose 0
129. William Blake - The Tyger 0
130. William Carlos Williams - This is Just to Say 0
131. William Shakespeare - Fear No More The Heat of the Sun 0
132. William Shakespeare - Full Fathom Five 0
133. William Shakespeare - Sonnet 018 0
134. William Shakespeare - Sonnet 029 0
135. William Shakespeare - Sonnet 030 0
136. William Shakespeare - Sonnet 055 0
137. William Shakespeare - Sonnet 065 0
138. William Shakespeare - Sonnet 073 0
139. William Shakespeare - Sonnet 094 0
140. William Shakespeare - Sonnet 116 0
141. William Shakespeare - Sonnet 129 0
142. William Shakespeare - Sonnet 146 0
143. William Wordsworth - A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal 0
144. William Wordsworth - I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 0
145. William Wordsworth - Ode, On Intimations of Immortality 0
146. William Wordsworth - Surprised by Joy 0
147. William Wordsworth - The Solitary Reaper 0
148. William Wordsworth - Tintern Abbey 0
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